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Concealed Latches

Concealed Latches for Bathroom Stall / Toilet Partition repairs.

They're called "concealed" latches because the actual locking mechanism is hidden within the door.

BUT hunting for the right concealed latch can make you crazy! Different manufacturers, different materials, different knobs, different male/female sides...

We've been repairing bathroom stalls for 40 years. Let us put our expertise to work to make your life easy!

Take a picture of your door / latch. Email the picture and any information you have to sales@langequip.com.

We'll quickly figure out what you need and send you a quote. Plus we'll send you any tips we can to make your repair go smoothly.

Or call us at 800-526-5092 or 973-601-0001 and talk to our experienced staff.



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Lang Equipment Company
Fax: 732-868-8000

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